Thursday, August 25, 2011

And off they go. . .

About six years ago I lay in a hospital bed the day after the twins (my babies) were born.  Grandma had just brought the other two kids for a visit and I got a glimpse of what my life would be like when I went home.  My oldest was barely 4 yrs old and was enjoying his newly started "Mommy Preschool" group.  The middle one was 2 and into everything.  And now I had these tiny babies who were never ever going to sleep.  After the short visit I was exhausted.  I leaned over to my husband and said "Just think in six years everyone will go to school for at least part of the day."  The nurse in the room overheard me say this.  She got a very sweet look on her face, patted my arm, and said "Oh sweetie, six years is a very long time." 

Six years is a very long time, except for the times when is isn't.  Today I walked my very grownup babies into the school for their 1st day of Kindergarten and it seemed like very little time had passed.  As daily life has gotten easier I have often reflected back on that day in the hospital.  I wasn't sure then that we'd be able to make it through until now.  The first year or so was especially rough.  We survived thanks to the many angels sent our way.  Seen and unseen.  Loving family and friends, the stranger willing to help at the store, kids quick to forgive mom, and other miracles that helped our little family to make it through.
I know that our journey isn't over.  We'll most likely face trials even harder than that first year all together.  But I know we'll make it through.  There is a plan, a plan of happiness.  All of it will be worth it because we can be a family forever.  So I can say goodbye today and not be sad.  The tears I'm crying right now are because I'm so happy for all they'll learn and do.   At least that's what I'm going to tell myself today.  Tomorrow maybe I'll be able to truly enjoy the quiet and have a party for myself.


  1. Ah Liz, you took the words right out of my mouth. Well, you took them out and wrote them in a really amazing way! Thanks, it's nice to know I'm not alone in the Kindergarten Blues.


  2. Yeah! I am reading your blog, and I love it! Your kids are so cute! They should be, cause they were born that way!

  3. ok, this made me cry! I get it...I totally get it. :)
