About Me

I'm a mom. What can I say, of all the titles I've ever held it is the one that I choose to let define me. I have a wonderful husband and four great kids, my youngest being twins. Life doesn't look like I thought it would back in high school when I started making plans; however, I am living the dream of no more poopy diapers and everyone sleeping through the night and I like it that way.

When I found motherhood hard, I turned to my love of reading for help. I found lots of people with something to say, but never the right words for what I felt I was going through. Eventually I decided the only way I was going to learn what I needed to, was to write it down. Eventually these dabbles turned into the posts that you read here. I grew up wanted to be the Mary Poppins Mother and practical perfect in every way. Through our family misadventures I have found I'm much happier when I just do my best, and remember to apologize when that isn't enough along the way.

I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me as I try to remember sometimes, just like the Little Blue Engine, "I think I can" is all you need.

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